A Perfect Home

"A Perfect Home" addresses the entanglement of the domestic with femininity, queer identity, nostalgia, and subversive love.

Lecture Series: Robb Hernández

Kresge Theatre 4919 Frew Street, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Robb Hernández's forthcoming book, "Finding AIDS: Archival Body/Archival Space and the Chicano Avant-garde," examines the role of gender and sexual transgression in the formation of Chicano art.

Everyone is Welcome

The FRAME Gallery 5200 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

"Everyone is Welcome - An Inclusive Sustainability Showcase" is an exhibition and performance showcase founded by CMU's Sustainability Weekend to provide a platform for creative and critical expression within the realm of sustainability.

It’s A Long Story I’ll Save For Later

Powder Room 201 N Braddock Ave, #209, Pittsburgh, United States

"It's A Long Story I'll Save For Later," a solo exhibition by MFA Candidate Paper Buck, traverses the former homesites of his (post-) Irish Catholic family across backwoods Pennsylvania and Southwestern Ireland.

Light in the Attic

Ellis Gallery School of Art 5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

"Light in the Attic" is a body of sculptural work by Samuel Hamish Horgan BFA '21 that explores the landscape and history of the Allegheny Valley by reimagining the artifacts of its industrial past as the raw materials of a new kind of regional experience.

STUDIO Lecture: Kelli Anderson

Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry CFA 111, 5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Kelli Anderson is an artist/designer and tinkerer who draws, photographs, cuts, prints, codes, and creates a variety of designed things for herself and others.

Meme-ish: Art, Evolution, and Un-exceptionalism

College of Fine Arts, 214 5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Hirsch Perlman’s lecture will draw from his latest work, and his developing thought about art and embodiment, and why we cannot help but make meaning, metaphors, and narrative out of anything and everything from simple wood blocks to piles of garbage.

B★A Presentations

Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry CFA 111, 5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

B★A Presentations are short, five minute artist talks where undergraduate art students can present their work to the CMU community and beyond and be inspired by what their fellow students are doing.

Mairead Dambruch: The Butt End

The FRAME Gallery 5200 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

This show is an examination of things that are overlooked or considered to have little or no value. Mairead Dambruch BFA '20 will be showing a collection of oil paintings and illustrations she's been working on this past academic year.

Shot for Shot Student Film Festival

Margaret Morrison 103 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

​​The Shot for Shot Student Film Festival is a student film festival celebrating film and video work in the Greater Pittsburgh area.