Drawing and Painting Studios
Spacious drawing and painting studios provide students with clean, well-lit surfaces, wall space, multi-media presentation tools, prop closets, stretcher storage bins and flat-file storage. These classrooms have both natural light and blackout shades, and lighting grids for controlled lighting or projection needs. Underclassmen enrolled in drawing and/or painting classes have 24/7 access.
Print Media
Print Media facilities allow students to work in screen print, intaglio/etching, lithography, relief, monotype and digital processes.
The newly redesigned print facilities fill two large, well-ventilated rooms, with additional separate spaces for etching, clean preparation and darkroom processes. The influence of emerging technology and safer green practices are constantly adapted and introduced into the print curriculum.
Print facilities also support courses involving experimental printing practices, installation, and large format digital output. Students are given freedom to explore their ideas beyond the restrictions of traditional printmaking, and encouraged to utilize all the tools available to them through the School of Art in the production of their printed work.
Digital Print Studio
The Digital Print Studio provides digital imaging services and support with specific focus on large format printing and scanning.
The Digital Print Studio stocks a variety of materials for print requests, including standard and specialty papers, fabrics custom coated for inkjet printing, and a wide variety of regular and heat-set vinyl for cut signage and graphics. The main section of the studio is equipped with new iMac computers and a wide range of software for digital image creation and manipulation. Additionally, a custom dye printer allows students to print high quality digital separations for traditional printmaking and darkroom purposes, and a Risograph printer allows students to make quick, unique images with a vintage look.
The Digital Print Studio provides high quality digital printing services to School of Art students, faculty, and staff. Non-major students taking classes within the School of Art may request prints related to the particular class they are taking.
Photography Facilities allow students to work in both traditional silver-based darkrooms and state-of-the-art digital labs.
The CFA Photo Facility allows 24-hour access to the Beginning Darkroom, Advanced Darkroom, Shooting Studio and the Digital Lab, and is located in Margaret Morrison Carnegie Hall, near the College of Fine Arts building. These facilities are useful for documenting student projects as well as for producing original works.