
Clelia Knox: Thinking in Place

Ellis Gallery School of Art 5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Thinking In Place, an installation by Clelia Knox BHA '20, borrows its name from a similarly titled book by Carol Becker, which has, in the past year, provided me with some gentle guidance on what it means to bring the often heated, intimate fragments of my memories outside of my self.

A Perfect Home

"A Perfect Home" addresses the entanglement of the domestic with femininity, queer identity, nostalgia, and subversive love.

Everyone is Welcome

The FRAME Gallery 5200 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

"Everyone is Welcome - An Inclusive Sustainability Showcase" is an exhibition and performance showcase founded by CMU's Sustainability Weekend to provide a platform for creative and critical expression within the realm of sustainability.

Mairead Dambruch: The Butt End

The FRAME Gallery 5200 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

This show is an examination of things that are overlooked or considered to have little or no value. Mairead Dambruch BFA '20 will be showing a collection of oil paintings and illustrations she's been working on this past academic year.

The Treachery of Birds

The FRAME Gallery 5200 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

"The Treachery of Birds" is an exhibition opera by Joshua Brown, featuring artwork by Lane Anderson, Alyss Weissglass, and Bernie Yu, and staring Colleen M. McGovern, Dante Horvat, and Loghan Bazan.

Jamison Edgar: PERV

Powder Room 201 N Braddock Ave, #209, Pittsburgh, United States

New paintings and sculptures by first year MFA candidate Jamison Edgar celebrate the queer desires embedded within childhood fantasy and curiosity.

Kaleidoscope XX

College of Fine Arts, 214 5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Kaleidoscope XX, the 20th anniversary of the BXA Intercollege Degree Program student exhibition, will host a reception on April 27, from 4–7pm in the College of Fine Arts room 214.

Tsohil Bhatia: [ ]

Powder Room 201 N Braddock Ave, #209, Pittsburgh, United States

is an elaboration through sculptural objects on the fullness of 'nothing'. Tsohil Bhatia MFA '20 brings together mundane, quotidian images observed over mediation in a domestic space.

Art + Machine Learning Exhibition

Gates Hillman Helix Space, 5th to 4th Floor 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Students from the Art and Machine Learning course present their experimental artworks created in collaboration with machine learning algorithms.


Studio Theater, CUC 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

"Paces" is an artistic approach the form of an interactive video game and film installation to internalize the nature of play against society's fixation on results and winning.