Professor Paolo Pedercini‘s game “Phone Story” is included in the latest survey of computer games at ZKM in Karlsruche, Germany, one of the most important cultural institutions devoted to new media art. The exhibition is on view September 29, 2018 through December 31, 2019.
“zkm_gameplay. the next level” is divided into four sections. In the section of “level 1: retro,” the origins, milestones and developments of the medium from the 1970s to the 1990s are presented. For example, visitors can play “Super Mario” at historical arcades and consoles.
The section of “level 2: modern narratives” is dedicated to the unique narrative possibilities of computer games – from the interactive thermal paper stories of “Choosatron” to the surreal dream worlds of Bill Viola’s “The Night Journey.”
Exceptional audiovisual presentations and surprising game mechanics await visitors in the section of “level 3: aesthetic & creative games.” For example, you can explore the almost infinite universe of “No Man Sky” or let haptic fireworks of light from “Wobble Garden” stimulate your synapses.
Visitors to the section of “level 4: political games” learn how computer games can playfully communicate political processes and their background. For example, political differences of opinion can be clarified together at the “Democracy Machine.” In addition, works from the Goethe-Institut’s worldwide “Art Game Jam” are presented in this section.
The section of “level 5: in the spotlight” provides regular information on current debates and discourses on game studies, game culture and student projects.