Rebecca Shapass‘ work “wife of (footnotes)” is part of the screening “Light Year 68: Thresholds and Beyond I,” which will be projected onto the Manhattan Bridge and shown on Facebook on December 3. The Facebook screening starts at 2 PM EST and the projection on Manhattan Bridge will play from 6 PM to 10 PM EST.
“Light Year” is an ongoing project presented by DUMBO Improvement District, NYC DOT, along with Leo Kuelbs Collection, Glowing Bulbs and John Ensor Parker. Originally created for the Manhattan Bridge Anchorage in DUMBO, Brooklyn, in celebration of the United Nations’ declaration of 2015 as the Year of Light and Light Art, “Light Year” has become an international project supporting and presenting hundreds and hundreds of artists and curators from all over the world.
Studying the grave-markers of women memorialized as ‘mother’, ‘sister’, ‘daughter’, and most notably ‘wife of’, Shapass’ video collages frame-by-frame in-camera animations with text from Silvia Federici’s “Caliban and the Witch” and Leopold von Sacher-Masoch’s “Venus in Furs” in an examination of women’s bodies as capital, the suppression of pleasure as power, and the dynamics of violence and sexuality.