Associate Professor Andrew Johnson and MFA alumni Rob Southard and Jesse England participate in “PERSONALS” and “Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!” May 4 – June 8 at Skowhegan Art Space, NYC.
“Personals” is a show of small objects on a large table, featuring the work of Skowhegan alumni. “Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!” is presented by the Skowhegan Alliance Video Committee, a video program of work made by Skowhegan alumni. The works reflect the various meanings of mayday: Mayday, from French m’aider, translated as help me: a distress signal. In times of life-threatening emergencies, typically used when at sea or in air, the word, Mayday is repeated three times to distinguish from similar sounding words. As technology advanced, this distress call for help was needed for radio communications replacing the Morse code SOS distress signal. Skowhegan Art Space NYC website