Alex Lukas MFA ’18 exhibits in “History is Boring,” through Feb 25, curated by Peter Skvara at The Mission in Chicago, IL. This group show explores “how we document, erase, and subvert our collective interpretation of history.”
“History is Boring” features work by Adam Gondek, Nate Juncer, Emma Robbins, Deb Sokolow, rotating adjunct faculty Leah Mackin and Lukas. From the exhibition’s website:
“History is Boring” is a facetious remark about why we dissect the past. If the social currency of coolness depends on the ability to predict what is to come into fashion, then what is the value of knowing what has already occurred? Is it because history is cyclical? Or because those who cannot remember the past are doomed to…you know the rest. It is meaningful to keep in mind that “history” is the study of events, not the events themselves. In other words, history is an interpretation of reality. Events are immutable but the interpretation of those events will be forever fluid. Each of the artists in History is Boring explores how we document, erase, and subvert our collective interpretation of history.