The Andy Award for Innovative and Creative Contributions honors staff members who have developed new approaches, methods and processes to improve organizational effectiveness. They have demonstrated imagination and creativity in solving problems or fostering change that has benefited the university community. These nominees are expansive thinkers and effectual doers.
Criteria include making significant and positive contributions to achieving organizational objectives, recognizing opportunities to improve, streamline or reinvent processes or systems and creating a work environment that encourages others to embrace change and creativity.
During the past 21 years, Bob has quietly and consistently used his own creative sensibilities to lift the technical resources of the School of Art into the 21st century. He has created countless resources that cannot be purchased in stores. Bob devised a friendly and efficient equipment-lending scheme for students and faculty and implemented a system for scheduled computer upgrading for the school and for individual faculty. Bob regularly goes above and beyond the limitations of his job description by coming up with extremely innovative ways to improve the overall functioning of the School of Art.
The ceremony for the Andy Awards will take place at McConomy Auditorium on October 4 at noon.