The School of Art congratulates the winners of our annual art awards! See the work in person in the Art Awards Exhibition in the Ellis Gallery from April 17 – 23. An opening reception will take place on April 17 at 6:00 PM.
First Year Awards
Jolie Booth
Noah Moskala
Nester Flores
Tippi Li
Sophomore Awards
Kelly McDowell
Aidan Hong
Avery Lavine
Kat Kadewari
Junior Awards
Isaac Hess
Arin Pantja
Dariyah Scott
Sarah Yewon Yun
Senior Awards
Stacey Cho
Ella Keegan
Jude Bissonette
Jennifer Shin
Marjory Glassburn Francis Award
Zoe Yang
Minjin Batzorig
Dara Birnbaum Award
Nandini Kuppa-Apte
School of Art Award
Emmanuel Lugo
Grayson Ticer
C.G. Douglas “Wrong-Way” Corrigan Travel Fellowship
Max Tristan
Interdisciplinary Awards
Chaco Iwase
Laurence Gao
Unless otherwise noted, all awards listed are Samuel Rosenberg Awards.