Professor Angela Washko‘s film won Best Documentary at the American Film Festival, which took place in Wroclaw, Poland, November 9-14.
Rochester, New York features a thriving drag queen scene in this cozy city, more progressive than the classic American landscapes might suggest. Perhaps it is the result of chronic winter boredom, which can function as a stimulus for creative activities. This is Ed Popil’s hometown, where he plays the role of Ms. Kasha Davis, a cordial and exaggerated domestic hen straight from a sitcom. Washko’s documentary is story of Ed’s internal dilemmas and the search for his professional and personal identity – from an unsuccessful heterosexual marriage to a relationship with a beloved man, from many years of office work to the beginning of his career as a performer, the turning point of which was participation in RuPaul’s Drag Race. But is the big show business world the right place for Kasha Davis?