Andrew W. Mellon Professor Susanne Slavick and Professor of Art Andrew Johnson screen their collaborative video Quench May 7 in “Home Sweet Home?” curated by Martha Zoupa at TWIXTlab in Athens, Greece.
Interrupt is free and open to the public, and organized by Todd Anderson and John Cayley in collaboration with other members of the Brown/RISd arts community. Interrupt is made possible through the generous support of the Brown Arts Initiative and Brown Literary Arts, and features talks, performances and workshops by: Darius Kazemi (http://tinysubversions.com/) Kate Compton (http://galaxykate.com/) Steve Roggenbuck (http://steveroggenbuck.com/) Angela Washko (http://angelawashko.com/) Ramsey Nasser (http://nas.sr/) Katie Rose Pipkin (http://katierosepipkin.com/) Sam Lavigne (http://lav.io/) Tega Brain (http://tegabrain.com/) Paul Soulellis (http://soulellis.com/) Nicole He (http://nicole.pizza/) Talan Memmott (http://talanmemmott.info/) Kate Sicchio (http://www.sicchio.com/) Bryant & Zachary Smith (http://barefootfunk.com/) Ilana Harris-Babou (http://ilanahb.com/) Conference website