Professor of Art James Duesing Exhibits his animation “Gray Elegy” in “Move It: Parts & Labour” at the Oriel Davies Gallery, Newtown Wales, through October 6.
This international program features a selection of cutting-edge animated films by over 20 artists. “Parts & Labour” explores animation as something that is ‘made’ – whether physically, digitally, or both – and is evidence that animation is a medium at the forefront of artistic and creative innovation, and the development of new techniques and approaches. The exhibition champions the animation artist and maker, and highlights their work and skill. The program includes films by Kristian Andrews, Catherine Anyango, Sebastian Buerkner, Paul Bush, Sophie Clements, James Duesing, Kevin Eskew, Richard Fenwick, Jake Fried, Jonathan Gillie, Michaela Grill, Ross Hogg, Rui Hu, Emanuele Kabu, Wednesday Kim, Guillaume Martial, Edwin Rostron, Vicky Smith, Steven Subotnick, David Theobald, Alan Warburton
Duesing has worked in many forms of animation, from traditional hand drawn and early digital work to 3D and motion capture projects. His 1990 animation Maxwell’s Demon is considered one of the earliest examples of creative use of desk top computing for animation production. Duesing’s work has been exhibited and broadcast throughout the world and he has received numerous awards and grants including a Creative Capital grant. At CMU he teaches advanced and interdisciplinary courses in animation and computer science.