Visiting Assistant Professor Angela Washko interviewed (along with Ben Grosser & Man Bartlett) by curator Filippo Lorenzin at Curating the Contemporary about her work in “Blinding Pleasures” a recent exhibition at Arebyte, London.
From the article, “The Brexit vote and the last US presidential election attracted mass media attention in the last few months. The lack of attempts of contextualising social media’s marketing-driven algorithms within behavioural mechanisms taking place way before dot-coms pushed me to seek more information about the topic. Blinding Pleasures (arebyte gallery, London, 2017) is an exhibition stemming from this need of knowledge. I worked with Angela Washko, Ben Grosser and Man Bartlett, artists whose works expanded the first aims of the project. Angela Washko’s Survival Rates In Captivity (Free Will Mode #5) (2017) is a video in which she uses The Sims to place human artificial intelligence into restrictive architectural situations. Go Rando (2017) by Ben Grosser is a browser extension that obfuscates feelings on Facebook disrupting the collection of data by algorithms. Browsing the Blues (2017) by Man Bartlett is an installation created in part from the electromagnet output of his iPhone recorded while browsing his social media feeds.”