For the 10th edition of NADA New York, CUE Art presents a new sculpture work by Professor Ling-lin Ku following her solo show at CUE, “Insight Outsight”. Ku was an awardee of CUE’s 2023 open call for solo exhibitions, through which she received mentorship from Agnieszka Kurant.
The work on view at NADA, “Invisiphilia” (2024), builds upon the artist’s ongoing interest in the relationships between natural, built, and digital environments, examining these systems through the lens of insect behavior. In Ku’s practice, she generates worlds that leap between macro and micro scales, questioning familiar dichotomies between animal and human, ecology and technology, and the metaphorical and physical.
“Invisiphilia” is a digitally fabricated sculpture that playfully interrogates the disorienting experience of navigating digital spaces. A swarm of pill-shaped bugs engraved with 404 (the error code for a webpage that cannot be found) sits atop and within a bright pink melting puddle, navigating toward a central vortex. The layers of the structure become a stand-in for imaginary webpages and simultaneously resemble flora found in nature.
Presented on the rooftop of 548 West as part of NADA’s Sculpture Projects, Ku’s work leverages this space of gathering to ask us to consider new environments and pose key questions: Where do we find ourselves in our search between desires and answers? In what ways do we render ourselves visible and invisible in these new digital landscapes?