Professor Golan Levin will deliver a talk titled “Cultivating the Improbable” at the Eyeo Festival taking place in Minneapolis, MN, June 14-17. In his telescopic talk, Levin considers some pasts and futures of emerging media arts: in particular, the perpetual struggle to reclaim computation as a medium of personal expression, and how social sculptures like the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry can operate as strategic improbability incubators for the communities of hybrid oddkins working to address it.
The Eyeo Festival brings together a rich intersection of people doing fascinating things with technology. Artists, data designers, creative coders, AI & XR explorers, storytellers, researchers, technology & platform developers all cross paths and share inspiration at Eyeo. The festival comprises 4 days of talks, workshops, the code+ summit, and thought provoking interactions lead by passionate thinkers and makers.