In a feature on new, original painters, Professor Devan Shimoyama was interviewed in the holiday issue GQ Style with accompanying photographs from Professor Shikeith.
“My painting style came about from my love of experimenting with all kinds of materials, drag culture, and fashion,” Professor Shimoyama says. “I remember when I was first starting to paint, I was fascinated by how unconventional painting materials would mix together to create these psychedelic, shimmering encrusted spills. I’d play around with spray paint, quick-dry enamel, and fabric dye. Those eventually led to my interest in other unconventional painting materials that are much more in line with what drag performers use to get a look together, like rhinestones, glitter, feathers, et cetera, which they’re using to create the illusion and fantasy of a wealthy, beautiful fictional character.”
Professor Shimoyama was also featured in an Artnet News article about five discoveries at Miami’s art week satellite fairs.
“Shimoyama paints mesmerizing portraits that often comment on his multifaceted concerns—from police-shooting victims to notions of masculinity—as a young gay black man in America, embellishing them with with sequins and other eye-grabbing materials to provide layers of unexpected visual counterpoint,” Artnet News‘ Editor in Chief Andrew Goldstein writes.