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Todd Bartel MFA ‘93 received the first ever Art & Design Educator Award from the Rhode Island School of Design.
Ben Bigelow’s BFA ’08 film “The Desert” is an official selection for the Lunder International Fantastic Film Festival, Oct 20-29, and the Philip K. Dick Science Fiction Film Festival, Nov 8-11 in Los Angeles and Mar 13-17 in Queens, NY.
Mia Brownell’s BFA ’93 work is featured on Hi Fructose.
Oreen Cohen MFA ’14 exhibits in “When Artists Enter the Factories” at the Brooklyn Army Terminal, opening Oct 19.
Jamie Earnest BFA ’16 participates in SIX x ATE: East, an event pairs artists talks with dinner, on Oct 24.
Juliacks BHA ’08 presents “Transversal Scepters” at the Union Market Performance Feast in Washington, D.C. on Oct 17.
Chelsea Lupkin BFA ‘12 directed the short film “Flagged,” which is part of the Sundance/Hulu “Huluween” Film Festival.
Shana Moulton MFA ’04 performed as part of Nuit Blanche Paris on Oct 5.
As part of localStyle, Marlena Novak BFA ’79 exhibits in “Confluence Ecologies” at Southern Illinois University Museum, through Nov 30.
Twelve video works by Barbara Rosenthal BFA ‘70 were screened at the Satellite Art Show in the Pfizer Building in Brooklyn on Oct 4 as part of the show’s special screening and discussion program “Performance is Alive.”
Barbara Rosenthal BFA ‘70 gave a photo-mediated reading performance at The West End in New York City on Oct 1.
Stephanie Serpick BFA ’93 participated in Gowanus Open Studios in Brooklyn, Oct 19-20. Her studio was chosen by two curators as a “Top Ten Destination.”
Sherri Wolfgang BFA ’83 exhibits her painting “Good Morning Young Prince” at the Dacia Gallery in New York City, Oct 11-30.