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Andrea Beizer BFA ‘78 exhibits cartoons from her strip “Alice” at the Moore College of Art and Design Faculty Triennial at the Cerulean Art Gallery in Philadelphia, through Mar 10.
Harvey Breverman BFA ’56 had a solo show titled “The Contradictions of Being: Composite Works by Harvey Breverman” at Burchfield Penney Art Center, Nov 9 – Feb 24. (image 2)
Jacob Ciocci MFA ’05 participated in Spring/Break Art show in an installation of “Ways of Seeing,” Feb 15-17.
Max Gonzales BFA ’16, Samantha Mack BFA ’18, and Ann T. Rosenthal MFA ’99 have work in Pittsburgh Print Group’s 2019 New Members Exhibition, opening Mar 1 at Pullproof Studio.
J Houston BHA ‘18 was awarded a 2019 post-grad residency at the Torpedo Factory Art Center in Alexandria VA (Oct-Dec).
Christina Lee BFA ’14 created an illustration for NPR about the recent teacher strikes across the nation, currently kicking off in West Virginia and California.
Grace Wong BHA ‘18 was interviewed about her experience with PULSE, a program that pair recent university graduates with nonprofits in Pittsburgh.
Anni Matsick (Ann Louise Delsandro) BFA ’70 has two paintings in Splash 19: The Best of Watercolor, available from North Light Books.
Brett Reichman BFA ‘81 was a panelist presenting “Queer Bodies: Hyper-spatialization” at the symposium “Situational: The Body in Contemporary Painting” at the San Francisco Art Institute on Feb 9.
Rob Rogers MFA ’84 will exhibit “Spiked: The Unpublished Editorial Cartoons of Rob Rogers” at Point Park University’s Center for Media Innovation on Mar 1. He will also launch his new book Enemy of the People: A Cartoonist’s Journey at the event.
Randall Rosenthal BFA ‘69 exhibits and hand carved and painted wood sculpture in “Food for Thought” at Louis K. Meisel Gallery in New York City, opening Feb 28. (image 1)
The Phillips Collection in Washington D.C. acquired three works by Renée Stout BFA ’80. (image 3)
Jessica Vaughn BHA ’06 gave an artist talk at Virginia Commonwealth University on Feb 18. (image 4)
Paul Zelevansky BFA ’67 gives a talk titled “24 Ideas About Pictures” at Printed Matter in New York City on Feb 28.