![Four images of artworks: 1 - two people smiling and standing at a counter; 2 - several abstract, colorful oval shapes mounted to a wall; 3 - two people sitting in front of a wall covered in fabric banners; 4 - large banner with ocean printed on it.](https://art.cmu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/alumni_news_02.12.19.jpg)
Welcome to the Weekly Alumni News Update! To have your news featured, please email schoolofartnews@cmu.edu with a brief description, link to more information, image, and your degree and class year. Or, add us to your newsletter list.
Madeleine Barnes BHA ’12 exhibited embroidery works at Ground Floor Gallery in Brooklyn Feb 9-10 as part of Handmade in Brooklyn’s pop up art show.
Bianca Beck’s BFA ’01 solo exhibition “Body Double” at Rachel Uffner Gallery was reviewed in Art in America.
Felipe Castelblanco MFA ’13 presents his film “Driftless” at Galerie de La Bande Vidéo in Quebec as part of Manif D’Art 9, the Quebec biennial.
Peter Coffin MFA ’20 has a solo exhibition at Baldwin Gallery in Aspen, CO, opening Feb 15.
Janet Culbertson BFA ’53 participates in “Metamorphosis: Changing Climate” at Hearst Galleries in New York City, through Mar 30.
Stefan Dezil BFA ’12 and Benjamin Welmond BFA ’12 showed films at the Boston Sci-Fi Fest, Feb 9-10.
Magali Duzant BHA ‘09 was included in Salón Acme No.7 in Mexico City, Feb 7-10.
Deborah Kass BFA ‘74 appears in the Whitney’s video series “Andy Warhol: The Culture of Now,” created on the occasion of the museum’s Warhol retrospective.
Krisztina Lazar BFA ’04 has a solo exhibition at SF Dharma Collective in San Francisco, which opens on Feb 9.
Shana Moulton MFA ’04 and Mary Maggic BSA ’13 are featured in “Producing Futures: An Exhibition on Post-Cyber-Feminisms” at Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunstin Zurich, opening Feb 15.
Oscar Peters MFA ’12 participates in the third edition of WinterWarm Festival in the forests of Rielen in Kasterlee, Belgium.
Sarah Ratchye BFA ’82 exhibits at the StArt Up Art Fair in Venice Beach, CA, Feb 15-17.
Mobile Print Power, founded by Patrick Rowe BFA ’05, participates in “Engaged Editions: Creative Advocacy in Print” at Brooklyn through Mar 1.
Susan Schwalb BFA ’65 will host a signing of her new book Silverpoint at Didier Aaron Gallery on Feb 13 from 5-8pm. She will also be part of an exhibition at the gallery on view Feb 11-22.
Melissa Thorne BFA ’93 participates in “Aftereffect: Georgia O’Keeffe and Contemporary Painting” at the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver.
Teresa Westkaemper BFA ’84 participates in “Process Show” at Cheltenham Art Center in PA, through Mar 6.