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Galerie Magazine published a feature on Stephen Antonson’s BFA ’89 new studio in the Fall 2023 issue.
Anna Azizzy BFA ’17 presents “The Secret Life of Gym Girls” at The Icebox Project Space as part of the Philadelphia Fringe Festival, Sept 25-29.
Mia Brownell BFA ’93 exhibits in “The Inevitability of Absence” at Culture Lab LIC in New York City, through Nov 19.
Felipe Castelblanco MFA ’13 exhibits in “On Animals, Part One” at WildPalms Gallery in Dusseldorf, Germany, through Nov 12.
Zhiwan Cheung MFA ’16 presented a collaborative project made with Touchsoundart at Ars Electronica, Sept 6-10.
Beatriz Echeverría Fabelo BFA ’22 was awarded an artist residency at Amigos de Bayamon in Puerto Rico.
Joyce Kozloff BFA ’64 exhibits in “The Big Picture” at Halle 14 Center for Contemporary Art in Leipzig, Germany through Dec 2.
Jennifer J. Lee BFA ’00 exhibits in “Einstein on the Beach” at Super Dakota in Brussels, Belgium, through Oct 21.
As part of the Mai Ling collective, Mary Maggic BSA ’13 exhibits in “Not Your Ornament” at Secession in Vienna, Austria, through Nov 12.
Su min Park’s BHA ’11 new store, Inside Elorea, which specializes in Korean perfume, was profiled in The New York Times.
Everest Pipkin MFA ’18 has a solo exhibition titled “Fragment Ecologies” at Phoenix in Leicester, UK, through Sept 17.
Megan Sawyer BFA ’01 and Yan Town BFA ’06 are celebrating the release of their most recent project with Bethesda Game Studios, “Starfield.” Megan was the Senior Environment Artist responsible for the trees and flora, while Yan was the Senior UX/UI designer. Starfield also features the work of CMU alumni Christopher Rodriguez BS ’00, MET ’07 and Jay Woodward BS ’99, MET ’01.
Jeffrey Augustine Songco BFA ‘05 was awarded an aerial art installation commission for the Gerald R. Ford International Airport in Grand Rapids, MI.
Thomas Sturgill MFA ’06 has a solo exhibition at the John C. Hutcheson Gallery at Lipscomb University in Nashville, TN, through Sept 29.
Kate Temple BFA ’88 has work in the de Young Open 2023 in San Francisco, opening Sept 30.
Jen Urso BFA ’96 exhibits in “The Emotional Show” at the UNLV Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art in Las Vegas through Mar 16.
Dan Wilcox MFA ’13 performed at Ars Electronica as part of Open Futurelab on Sept 10.
Huidi Xiang MFA ’21 exhibits in “Home is Where the Haunt Is” at X Museum in Beijing, China, through Nov 26.
Caroline Yoo MFA ’23 and Lena Chen MFA ’22 had a two-person exhibition at Silver Eye Center for Photography in Pittsburgh, Aug 4-26.