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The Long Island Museum acquired two works by Janet Culbertson BFA ‘53 for their permanent collection, “Death Toll” and “Masks.”
Lauren Faigeles BFA ’13 and Adam Milner MFA ’17 exhibit in “Mail: Hate Mail, Fan Mail, Junk Mail, Email” at Olympia in New York City, through Mar 20.
Adela Kapuścińska BFA ’19 took the lead on the UX and UI design for the game Frolic, which was recently awarded first prize in the Office of Women’s Health challenge “Shape of Health – an Obesity Prevention Game.”
Carin Mincemoyer BFA ’96 and John Peña MFA ’08 had public artwork installed at Hazelwood Green.
Teresa Shields BFA ‘84 exhibits in “Apart Together” at the Cheltenham Center for the Arts, through Feb 28.
Jack Taylor BFA ’18 exhibits in “Into the Light” at the Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space, opening Feb 22.