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Lauren F. Adams’ MFA ’07 work is featured in the January issue of Postscript Magazine. (image 2)
Samina Akbari BHA ’01 was awarded a SFFILM Rainin Grant in Screenwriting for her first feature film, titled Anees.
Tsohil Bhatia MFA ‘20 installed his work at the Franconia Sculpture Park in Shafer, MN.
Marie Bukowski BFA ’92 gave a virtual tour of her studio for The Print Club of Cleveland on Jan 15.
Art critic Paddy Johnson discussed Peter Burr’s BFA ’02 work in an essay on how digital art from 2016 foreshadowed our current crisis for the Los Angeles Review of Books. (image 3)
Naomi Falk MFA ’03 has a solo exhibition titled “What times are these…” at the Mason-Scharfenstein Museum of Art at Piedmont College in Demorest, GA.
Marc Fischer’s BFA ’93 work “Chest Wound to the Chest” scrolled on a public-facing LED sign during January at Incident Report, the storefront space of The Flow Chart Foundation, in New York City.
Operation Face Mask, led by Jen Gooch MFA ’09, was named a Pittsburgh City Paper’s People of the Year in the Health category.
Merritt Johnson BFA ’03 with Nicholas Galanin won a grant from the VIA Art Fund for their upcoming project “Natural Forces” at the Anchorage Museum.
Sarah Keeling BFA ’14 worked as Associate Producer on the film The Codebreaker, which premiered on PBS on Jan 11 as part of American Experience Films.
Alex Lukas MFA ’17 was work on view in “Flat File at OyG” at Ortega y Gasset Projects in New York City, Jan 9-31. (image 1)
Todd Pavlisko MFA ’02 exhibits in “Devout Unorthodox” at TW Fine Art in Palm Beach, FL, through Feb 1. (image 4)
Amera Rizk BFA ’98 worked as an Assistant Editor for Pixar’s Soul, which was recently released.
The High Museum of Art in Atlanta, GA acquired Renée Stout’s BFA ’80 work “Hoodoo Assassin #6 (The Chameleon)” for their permanent collection.
H Gene Thompson BFA ’12 exhibits “The Rainbow Connection” at Sulfur Studios in Savannah, GA, through Feb 9.