Stephen Michaels: Phonetics
The FRAME Gallery 5200 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesStephen Michaels works in mixed media, including costumes and wearables, drawing, photography, video, writing, sculpture, and installation.
Stephen Michaels works in mixed media, including costumes and wearables, drawing, photography, video, writing, sculpture, and installation.
Sloan calls himself a “media inventor”: someone “primarily interested in content (words, pictures, ideas) who also experiments with new tools and new formats.”
Ingrid Schaffner & Elizabeth Tufts Brown will speak about the Carnegie International: the history, the artists, the research that make this exhibition.
"Keeping Time" presents video and installation by Tsohil Bhatia that look at alternate methodologies and devices to imagine, observe and document time.
teamLab is an art collective of ultratechnologists whose practice seeks to navigate the confluence of art, science, technology, design & the natural world.
For the first Miller ICA Salon, conversation will generate and evolve out of the current exhibition, "Paradox: The Body in Age of AI."
Experience a transformative performance of experimental sound, movement, wearable sculpture, drag, and more.
Liza Goncharova's (BHA '20) work is nestled in the intersection of ecology, spirituality, and language.
Addie Wagenknecht is an experimental artist who works in the fields of emerging media, feminist theory, open-source tools, pop culture, and hacktivism.
Rap artist, producer, and PhD student at Cornell University, Sammus weaves together raw confessions, pro-weirdo anthems, and clever musings on modern life.