Associate Professor of Art Andrew Johnson and Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Art Susanne Slavick exhibit in “The Map is Not the Territory: Parallel Paths – Palestinian, Native American, Irish,” September 16 – October 16 at Santa Fe University of Art and Design.
Thirty-nine contemporary artists explore the profound intersections between three cultures with original artwork. The five-year touring exhibition comes to a close in Santa Fe, which looks at relationships and commonalities in Palestinian, Native American, and Irish experiences of invasion, occupation, and colonization – not as novelty or polemic, but as history and current events.
Andrew Johnson’s practice is diverse in media, united by conceptual and tactical approaches that present subjects rather than objects. Creating enduring vehicles of expression, reportage and activism posits our emotions, circumstances and actions in historic contexts that eschew the frivolous and strengthen resolve. He teaches concept and mixed-media courses. Participants include emerging as well as internationally renowned artists, such as Jaune Quick-to-See Smith, Rita Duffy, and Hani Zurob.
Over the last two decades, Slavick has probed “persistent polarities, contrary comforts, and pretty lies with the crossed eyes of a romantic and realist, seeking an elusive equilibrium, the measure and the source of the immeasurable.” She teaches 2D media and painting courses.