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Matt Barton MFA ’07 and Ben Kinsley MFA ’08 exhibit in the UCCS Visual Arts Faculty Triennial, through Mar 18.
Mel Bochner BFA ’62 exhibits at The National Museum of Art, Osaka, in an exhibition organized around the museum’s recent acquisition of two of his works.
Roma Devanbu BFA ’79 exhibits in “For Me? The Question of Self Care” at Axis Gallery in Sacramento, through Feb 26.
Emmett Donlon BFA ’21 exhibits in “All Together Now” at See Saw Art in Manchester, NH, opening Feb 11.
Magali Duzant BHA ‘09 has a solo exhibition titled “A Tree, A Garden” at Antenna in New Orleans, LA, opening Feb 11. A publication, titled “The Dry Garden,” accompanies the exhibition.
Hannah Epstein MFA ’17 exhibits in “Chimeria” at Arsenal Contemporary Art in Montreal, Canada.
Dana Kleinman BFA ’97 has a two person exhibition with Ruth Avra at Studio 18 Art Complex in Pembroke Pines, FL, through Apr 15.
Mary Maggic BSA ’13 exhibits in “Beyond Borders and Binaries” at MU Hybrid Art House in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, through Apr 16.
Alexandra Rubinstein BFA ’10 exhibits in “Night, Light” at Cob Gallery in London, through Mar 25 and in “Paroxysm” at Westbeth Gallery in New York City, opening Feb 9.
James Thurman BFA ’93 presents at the virtual Texas Metals Symposium on Feb 11.
Paul Vanouse MFA ’96 was named a SUNY Distinguished Professor, the highest rank in the SUNY system.
Rebecca Vaughan MFA ’01 performed “Lilium Bosniacum” with Trine Bumiller in Sarajevo on February 7.